Cinnamon hedgehogs
Finally! After reaching the internet limit on my phone we’ve got the proper connection installed in the apartment. So Angry Puppies are back :) I’m still caring my sweet big belly, almost finished unpacking and putting stuff in the places and even made a new member of Angry Puppies family.
Please meet Simonas. He was selected as per results of WP and facebook readers votes. Simonas is vegetarian, he loves apples and sweet carrots. He is shy and likes to put his hat to stay unnoticed. He has a twin brother named Jonas and younger sister named Margarita. Sadly they live far away so they meet each other only once a year – before the long winter sleep.
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And to celebrate this wonderful spring day (again: FINALLY!) I will leave you with the recipe for cinnamon buns. I must confess: I am too lazy to make my own puff-pastry :) I just buy the frozen one and pretend to rock at preparation. SO it’s up to you.
Just roll the pastry, make it even and pour cinnamon with sugar on top.
Put it in the oven and check it after a half an hour (I cannot tell the temperature because my oven has grades 1-2-3-4-5 instead of normal temperature scale). But I was baking it with “4” for about 40 minutes :)
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Enjoy with your friend.
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angry puppies, angrypuppies, felt, felt toys, hedgehog, recipe